Friday, October 31, 2008

ISB Interview Invite

Yes...the wait for an interview call has finally ended!

I received my ISB interview invite today (30/10). It has been scheduled for the 9th of November. Quite appropriate that the first school that I had applied to was the first to send me an invite (though the ISB deadline was at least 25 days earlier than any of my other target schools :D). Nevertheless, I hope to get 3 more interview invites :-). There were over 2000 applications to ISB in this round. I am glad that the first hurdle has been crossed and I look forward to wearing my business suit :-).

I had, earlier, planned on blogging an analysis of the school's essays. But now, I have decided against it. The reason - there are some awesome tips that are already available on the web. Many applicants and admission gurus have shared their views and outlined their thoughts.

However, I will be more than happy to answer questions that applicants may have regarding these essays. My response will center around the strategy that I had followed for the particular essay and I hope to help applicants get a better idea of how to present themselves on paper through these essays.



Nitin said...

Congratulations, Ashwanth!

Good luck with the interview.

Prashant said...

Congrats guru!

I last checked yesterday late night, I still haven't got my rescheduling details.


Ashwanth said...

Thanks Nitin and Prashant!

Prashant, we might after all end up having our interviews on the same day. I look forward to knowing your schedule...


MBAlmighty said...

Congrats dude! ATB for the next phase.... :)

Ashwanth said...

Thanks dude! :-)

Anonymous said... idea what was the ratio of applicants to interview shortlists.

Ashwanth said...

Thanks, Shreya.

I have no idea what the ratio of applicants to short listed candidates is.

Anonymous said...

Ashwanth, congrats! Better get your suit cleaned and pressed!

Even though there are a number of "gurus" out there talking about how to write a successful essay, there are no better advisers than those who have gone through the process themselves. Your insight I'm sure will be valuable to people who are writing their essays in the future - especially since you already scored an interview!

Best of luck.


Ashwanth said...

Thanks, Matt.

I think I'll post on the strategy that I followed for these essays.

That's coming up tomorrow!

ISB Mantra said...

Your post is just outstanding! thanks for such a post,its really going great and great work.ISB Placements | ISB interview Preparation

Abhi said...

Great to know these insights. Check out our analysis of ISB PGP Essay for 2021 2022 Intake
ISB PGP Essay Analysis 2021 - 2022 Intake
ISB Scholarship